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Understanding IBM Mainframe zIPLA Licensing


What are the Benefits of zIPLA Licensing?

International Program License Agreement (IPLA) programs have a one-time-charge (OTC) and an optional annual maintenance charge, called Subscription & Support. This annual charge includes access to IBM technical support and enables you to obtain version upgrades.

What is Sub-Capacity?

Sub-capacity is software charges for certain IBM products based on the utilization capacity of the logical partitions (LPARs) on which the product runs.

– Additional Sub-capacity Information

Sub-Capacity for z/OS

When you are running z/OS in 64-bit mode you have the option to pay the charges for your eligible software on a sub-capacity basis. The Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool (SCRT) is the program that processes SMF 70 and SMF 89 records created by z/OS to produce a report showing LPAR utilization figures which are used to set the software charges.

Sub-capacity terms on z Systems IPLA are only available to customers who qualify and implement sub-capacity for their respective z/OS MLC software and comply with all other IBM Terms and Conditions.

– z/OS
– IPLA Sub-Capacity Overview

IPLA Execution-Based Programs

For sub-capacity z Systems IPLA programs with Execution-Based Terms, the required capacity of a z Systems IPLA sub-capacity program equals the capacity of the LPAR(s) where the z Systems IPLA program executes. The Execution-Based programs will appear on the Sub-Capacity Report.

– IPLA Programs with Execution-Based Terms

IPLA z/OS Based Programs

For Sub-capacity IBM z IPLA programs with z/OS -Based Terms, the required capacity of the Z IPLA sub-capacity program equals the license capacity of z/OS on the machine(s) where the IBM Z IPLA program executes. z/OS-Based programs will not appear on the Sub-capacity Report because z/OS appears there.

– IPLA Programs with z/OS-Based Terms

IPLA Reference-Based Programs

For Sub-capacity IBM z Systems IPLA programs with Reference-Based Terms, the required capacity of the z Systems IPLA sub-capacity program equals the license capacity of the applicable Parent Program. Typically a Parent Program is an MLC program, but some Parent Programs may be one-time charge (OTC). When there are multiple versions of the Parent Program licensed in the environment, the required license capacity for each sub-capacity eligible Reference-Based program will be based on the total MSU capacity of all the Parent Programs, capped at the z/OS MSU capacity of each machine. Reference-Based programs will not appear on the Sub-Capacity Report because the Parent Program appears there. There are only 3 parent programs that qualify for Reference-Based reporting. They are CICS, DB2, and IMS.

– IPLA Programs with Reference-Based Terms

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