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IASP and The Public Sector


Audit exemption, license optimization, cost savings, and more: all you need to know about IASP for the Public Sector

Watch the webinar now!

We hosted an informative IASP webinar about how Public Sector agencies can take full advantage of the IASP program and it’s now available on demand.

Many government agencies are paying 10x more than they need to for IBM software. Complex pricing structures and audits with heavy fines are difficult to navigate for even the most experienced government technology leaders.

Joining the IASP (IBM Approved SAM Provider) program qualifies you for complete audit exemption and provides you with expert guidance on how to drastically reduce your IBM spend.

In this webinar we cover:

  • Requirements & details of the IASP program
  • Benefits of the program, including audit exemption, cost savings, sub-capacity licensing, etc.
  • How IASP works for Public Sector organizations
  • And much more

If you have specific questions, please reach out to us at

Want to learn more about IASP in the Public Sector?

Meet the presenters

We’ve got a powerhouse lineup of webinar panelists, including:

  • Shirley Hinkle, IBM IASP Leader – Americas
  • Perry Egertson, State of Minnesota Assistant Director – Procurement
  • Shaun Padayachee, Anglepoint IBM Licensing Director

Webinar Transcript

Kristen Shumann:

Hi everybody, we’re going to get started with the IASP and the public sector webinar today. So thanks so much for joining. I’m Kristen and I just want to give a couple of general announcements before we get started. This webinar is being recorded and we will send it to you once it’s been processed afterwards for your review and sharing, and it will also be posted on the Anglepoint website.

And please ask questions if you have them. We want this to be interactive and we have time set aside for Q&A. So on the bottom of your screen, if you swipe to the bottom, you should see a little Q&A box and you can submit any questions you have there. And I’m going to turn it over to Philippe to give some introductions.

Philippe de Raet:

Great. Thank you very much, Kristen. My name is Philippe de Raet, I’m vice President of public Sector for Anglepoint, and we’re very excited to be here today to discuss the IASP. Got a great great panel. And the purpose of today’s webinar is to further educate people on the IASP.

We currently have several customers from public sector who’ve joined and many more who’ve asked questions and have inquiries about pricing about what the process is. So, we’re very excited to bring this webinar to you to address some of those. As Kristen mentioned, feel free to follow up with us later on.

Or feel free to share this recording with some of your colleagues. Let me introduce some of the folks on the panel. Let’s start off with Mr. Perry Egertson. He’s the Assistant Director for the State of Minnesota IT Procurement. We’ve also got Shaun Padayachee. He is my colleague here at Anglepoint Senior Director of IBM and heads up our IBM practice.

And finally, we’ve got Shirley Hinkle, who’s Principal IASP for the Americas, and she is with IBM. And we are excited to have her. We’ll start off with with Shirley, who will talk a little bit about the program. Shirley why did IBM create this program?

Shirley Hinkle:

Thank you, Philippe, for the introduction.

IBM created this program back in, we started looking at the program probably back in late 2017. We had a lot of IBM executives and customers asking us if there was an alternative. to license reviews. So the program was actually developed and put in place to create a more comprehensive, more collaborative way for customers to manage their assets and to do software asset management in their environments, working with one of our partners, one of our SAM provider partners.

So the program was put in place to help customers manage their own environments and to manage their own assets and to do regular reporting. The program carries a number of benefits, which we’ll talk about a few of them and discuss in the Q&A, if you would like. Some of the benefits are reduced business disruption.

Basically, what we mean here is that many times if you receive a letter from IBM that talks about doing a license review, this will cause you to have to suddenly divert resources to do the review versus working on your mainstream projects that you’ve got going. This will also help you monitor your license.

In a more effective manner with one of the authorized SAM providers assisting you, this will give you a chance to look at any licenses that you have deployed to understand if you need to optimize those licenses, perhaps you have additional licenses sitting on the shelf that you could deploy on servers versus buying new licenses.

So this will help you in that manner on a monthly, quarterly, yearly basis. Avoid surprises many times if there is a license review, if you don’t have the tools installed, and you don’t have control of your software licensing assets, you can have to pay unbudgeted dollars. If you’re need to purchase something to shore up an asset that you don’t own enough of to deploy it, or if you are in the middle of a license review, this can affect your budgeting greatly.

One of the big benefits of the program is that you can negotiate commercial pricing terms with IBM, and if you do have an overage during your reporting cycles, when you do your reports with IBM you can use. If you have a catalog, you can use your catalog to accommodate any overage. Or if you purchase outright, you can use your commercial pricing to purchase outright as well.

One of the other benefits along the commercial pricing is that, as many of in a typical license review, we do charge two years you have an over deployment. That’s automatically waived if you’re in the IASP program. One of the other big benefits. Is an exception from audit. If you are in the program, the ISP program, IBM will waive their verification rights, which means that we’ll set aside any type of license reviews in your organization as long as you’re part of the ISP program.

Okay. Kristen next slide.

Another benefit of the program is that once you join the program, you would become automatically looked at as a sub capacity customer. So there would be no question on reporting as contractual or sub cap. You would automatically be sub cap under the program, which we’ve given it an acronym as we do for everything instead of calling it the.

IBM authorized SAM program. We call it IASP. In place of it. It wouldn’t be IBM unless we had an acronym out there for everything. But we do have several tools that will help with the sub capacity, which is something that the SAM provider can assist you with, whether you have the tools installed already, and you just need a health check done on the tools.

If you’re having difficulty installing the tools, the provider can install them for you. They can help you manage the tools on an ongoing basis, and they can help you do the reporting around the tools. Today, the tools that are automatically approved in IBM for sub capacity reporting Is ILMT and Flexera.

Those have already been approved. And then IBM has one other tool called BigFix that’s also approved. ServiceNow can be used in conjunction with I think with Anglepoint and one of our other partners. Snow has also been looked at and then another product called USU, but these tools, the ServiceNow, the Snow and the USU Generate some extra step in the process where you would have to the customer would have to sign an IPA amendment with us on using those tools.

And if you want to join the program, and you contact us, we can talk further about those tools, any tool you might be using in your environment and the requirements for those tools. Kristen, I think that’s I just wanted to give that short overview of. Of what takes place with the program.

Philippe de Raet:

Thank you, Shirley.

Thank you so much for that. Kristen were you gonna say something?

Kristen Shumann:

No, I’m good. I think we’ll jump into Perry’s and his part.

Philippe de Raet:

Yeah, so we brought in a guest speaker with us today. As I mentioned, Perry from the state of Minnesota. And Perry, can you explain to us from your standpoint why you decided to go with the program?

Any benefits that you might have seen thus far or that you anticipate seeing in the future? So your experience effectively.

Perry Egertson:

Sure. Yeah. Thanks, Philippe. In Minnesota, we have a consolidated I. T. purchasing agency, which is the agency that I work for, and we negotiate large agreements that benefit many of our state agencies in there.

All participants in instead of having individual agreements with each agency, we take that on where it makes sense. And so our IBM agreement was one of those where we did that. And we were going through a license review with IBM. And really the coordination of information between all the various agencies was Proving to be quite a challenge to provide that information to IBM in a timely manner.

And IBM approached us and suggested, Hey, why don’t you check out this IASP program explained some of the benefits that surely just walked through. And we looked into it, and it seemed to make sense. We’ve been working with Anglepoint to assist us in getting that IASP program going.

And we’ve been underway for about six months. And I’ve been making good progress. Both Anglepoint and IBM have been good partners in working with us in a number of different ways. And I think we’re really looking forward to some of the things again is surely discussed of when we have these various state agencies all participating and having to collect that information.

That’s a lot of individual Acknowledgments Person time working towards gathering information that continued involvement in IASP should really help us avoid. And so that’s a reclamation of the time spent from those individuals at each of these agencies, including people on my own staff that we can direct towards other projects.

Another thing that we’re looking forward to is an advantage of this is another set of eyes on our, are we being efficient with our entitlements, both from are we. Over deployed or are we under deployed and are there opportunities for us to avoid additional expense both by the protection of not having to do the two year look back not and being able to true up if we are under entitled at our contract price instead of at the market price. So that’s a great opportunity for cost savings. But also, hey, are we buying more than we actually need? And is there an opportunity for us to be more effective with our IBM agreement and how we’re getting the most value possible out of that? So I think those are things that we’re looking forward ISP.

Philippe de Raet:

Thank you, Perry, for that. That, that resonates really well, I think with most clients that we’ve seen. Yeah, so we’re going to turn it over to Sean for a couple of comments. Perry did mention that we’ve developed a strong relationship with the state. Can you, Sean, tell us exactly what, what angle point brings to the table?

What is the expertise that sets us apart?

Shaun Padayachee:

Yeah, thanks for it. So currently we have a team of 28 people who are based across three regions. We’ve got USA, UK and India. In terms of our work, we don’t outsource any of it. It’s all done internally. We operate as a single global company. Our team has extensive IBM licensing experience.

For the average of seven years. I myself have been working in the IBM licensing space for about 17 years. We also have a tooling team to assist with implementation and troubleshooting of SAM tools such as ILMT, BigFix, Flexera, ServiceNow, Snow. So we can support any of the IBM approved tools that you decide to use for your sub capacity reporting.

Philippe de Raet:

Thank you, Sean. It’s very interesting because as Perry touched on and a little bit from Sean we here within public sector are seeing a growing number of agencies, entities inquiring about the program. More and more agencies are interested in knowing how they can better have, kind of line of sight visibility into their state or their IBM environment, if you will.

And this is an opportunity for us to help them with that. As Perry mentioned a lot of agencies are very decentralized. They don’t know what they don’t know. I hear that so many times in a day. We don’t know what we don’t know. Can you come in and help? And this is an opportunity, as I said, to help support those entities in partnership with IBM to make sure that effectively, they’re their house is in order.

It also was Shirley mentioned precludes them from being audited. So long as they’re part of the program, we come in and establish as you see on this slide. Now, thank you. Kristen establish a baseline. We then look at what tool is being used. We provide the support necessary.

Recalibrate potentially certain things so that we can have really a close eye on the positioning the light and less optimization from there. We usually extend our services to provide for expansion on the publisher side. And most of the time it is a. Really turns into a three year managed service and we can later talk about what is the process to pursue to inquire more about this program how we price it, but we’re happy to answer every one of those questions.

If not today, certainly on a follow up call. I touched on visibility into the state. As I said, a lot of these agencies are decentralized. It’s monumental. They feel that they are potentially exposed and we’ve had instances where agencies have come back and said, my God, if I had known about this we were exposed, IBM came in and realized that we were not compliant.

It costs us a lot of money. And again, if we were to do it all over again, we probably would have joined the program. And that’s where we can help. We help from a standpoint of potential waste, of redundancies compliance. And so these are all areas that we can take on for you and effect eventually train the staff within the agency to carry on and transition that that support, if you will, to the to the to the staff over time.

Kristen, back to you.

Kristen Shumann:

Awesome. Thanks, Philippe, Sean, Shirley, and Perry for all that great information and it’s awesome that we get to get a bunch of different perspectives in this webinar of each piece of the IASP program. So now I wanna jump into a live Q&A. I have some questions that have been submitted by participants and want to open those up to each of you.

And I think our first question is for,

Shaun Padayachee:

Can I ask something before we jump into the q and a? Yeah, of course. Add a few more pieces to this. So firstly, we are the only IASP partner that’s not an auditor. Our core business is software asset management. This is what we do. We live and breathe software asset management.

We have a homegrown project management tool called Elevate, which expedites and reduces our clients involvement after work significantly. So it’s used in many ways. For example, products that are not measured by the approved IBM tool you will need data collection methodologies to have steps on how to collect that data.

So we have those methodologies up on Elevate, so a product owner can easily log in look at what he needs to do and then upload the data. Again, it’s used as a central repository. So all the data shared between the client and us is up on Elevate. Another key feature of the Elevate is the ability for Elevate to connect to the ILMT server via an API connection.

So this is done to export the ILMT data to Elevate. So once we have this data, we perform the product bundling mappings. On the back end. So pretty much, we take the work off your hands and onto ours. And this has been a pain point for many of our customers. And we’ve seen this over and over again. It’s been many hours.

They don’t understand licensing and this end up spending too much time on it. So by us having this a pay connection and being able to put data into elevate, we are able to do all the mapping on our side. The initiation of this is done on the client side, so they have total control of it. And a couple of things I want to add to this is so in addition to preparing our clients ISP reports, we go one step further to provide them with an additional report to highlight risks, any potential savings.

and also optimization opportunities. So for example, potential savings, maybe their customers purchased has large quantities of SNS, and from the IASP report, we noticed only using a small percentage or even not even using it at all. So we would highlight this to the customer and say, Hey, there’s a potential opportunity for you to drop SNS.

There may be reasons why you have so much of quantity and we will work with your product owners to identify that maybe there’s a project kicking up in six months or whatever it is, we will work with them and try to figure out, if there’s a need to have, that quantity office nest, for the next couple of years.

In terms of optimization, there are products that can be licensed multiple ways, so it can be preview and user base. Typical example is Cognos. So we will look at your environment and see does it make an operational and financial sense to license it in a specific way that you have. And we will give our recommendation.

Another thing I want to touch on is a DB2. The licensing model has changed. So from a feature perspective, now it’s gone more to based on core content RAM. We will look at the customer’s deployment and see exactly how many calls on those boxes. And does it make sense to license it underneath a advanced or a standard edition?

So those are the things we look at and see, where we can optimize the customer’s environment. So aside from helping our clients meet their ISP reporting obligations, our goal is also to provide our clients with tangible value and insight into their environment, which they can act upon.

Philippe de Raet:

Yeah, thank you, Shaun. And one other thing Sean touched us on, which is important is in talking about his team. Our team or Sean’s team spans across multiple regions, right? So we’re a global company. As you mentioned, we’re 1 of only 4 certified companies under IBM to support this and we have dedicated resources to support public sector development.

Entities here in the United States and U. S. nationals, but we also have deployed resources out of Europe, the Middle East and other areas to support those international clients. Anything Sean else that you want to expand on as it relates to. The approach that we take. I touched a little bit on what you know how the approach is, but perhaps there’s a little more you want to add.

Shaun Padayachee:

I think you covered it. The typical process is, to get the baseline done. Generally, it takes six months, but I guess, I’m going to too much of details, but I think you’ve got it covered.

Philippe de Raet:

One question. Is it fair to say that most of our clients, if not all, choose to have at least a three-year support, in looking at this, right?

Or have you seen success in those clients who just signed up for the one year?

Is that a question for me, Philip? Yeah, I’m sorry for Sean.

Shaun Padayachee:

Yeah good question. In the first year, generally, that’s where you’ll see the majority of the value, because you started from scratch, you can get the baseline. And then as you get into a more mature state in year two, year three, you would see that you wouldn’t see as much over deployment as you would see, in year one, or because we’re going to try to optimize as much as we can in year one.

So majority of your value you would see in year one, year two, year three just gets into a more mature state.

Philippe de Raet:

Yeah, that’s also what I’ve heard from some of my clients where in the out years two, three, then they can actually really reap the benefits of the, of the work that was done in year one.

And that’s where potentially in years two or three, after three years, usually we can, we feel ready to transition to hand it off back to the client.

Kristen Shumann:

Yeah, thanks so much. Philippe, in addition to that explanation of, what we do for the IBM services and how value continues to add on. Do you want to just touch on some of the service expansion that some of our clients have looked at in the public sector?

Philippe de Raet:

Yeah, from a, from an expansion standpoint.

So we talked about decentralization. We have a number of clients that As we said earlier, might start with a contract that they have within a specific agency, but then as they look at this holistically, they realize the benefit may lie with aggregating everything under 1 contract. As to ensure that no agency remains exposed, and that’s where we can expand the service across multiple entities.

I think Perry touched on this a little bit where the benefits really substantial or materialize because then no, no agency, if you will, is left behind. We don’t want to have one agency become exposed to the point that it puts. The contract as a whole in jeopardy.

Is that does that make sense? Maybe surely can you expand on that? Do you see that as a really some of the benefits as well to for states or for federal agencies?

Shirley Hinkle:

Sure. I think, any all of it that you talked about is a big benefit to them. Looking at how they can use their licenses, depending on how they purchase the licenses.

Can they apply them in other places? All of that can be looked at by the same provider and worked. In conjunction with the customer and IBM to help understand how best to apply licenses and what the entitlements are that the customer has purchased from IBM. Thank you.

Kristen Shumann:

Awesome. Thanks so much. If nobody has any additional comments on this section, we can jump into the Q&A and address some of the questions our viewers have.

So our first one, I think, is directed mostly towards Shirley. And they’re simply wondering, how do you join the ISSP program?

Shirley Hinkle:

Kristen, thank you. That’s a very good question. I think later in the slide deck, Kristen has my email address in the slide deck that she’s going to be putting out for the customers to have.

You can send me a note and let me know if you’re interested in learning more about the program and discussing with us. The base part of it is that you would sign a contract with IBM that you wanted to be in the program, and we can work with you. The contract is very short reporting times are, can be flexible.

We’ll discuss that during the contract negotiations on putting you into the program. Simply sending me an email will get you started. Great.

Kristen Shumann:

And then our next question is associated with that. Participant wants to know, how does the pricing and scope of the managed service work? So John or Philippe, if you guys want to comment on that one.

Philippe de Raet:

Yeah, I’ll touch on it a little bit. And Sean, feel free to jump in. But we price things out on a firm fixed pricing and the way we work on getting that fixed price is based on the environment that we’re looking at. So we look at number of servers, number of products running, or IBM products running on those servers, what type of tool you’re using number of potential agencies and points.

So all of this we put into our calculation or evaluate and come up with a firm fixed price. Or a usually what is a 3 year service and we talked about the benefits of the 3 year service. And that is usually how we come up and estimate that we then go back to the client and discuss and ensure that the way in which we estimated.

Is indeed correct. And if there are any adjustments to be made, we can make those if some of the numbers were off by, say, greater than 10% then adjustments can be made. But usually we come very close to establishing the price based on the details that we receive from the client and their environment.

Sean, anything you want to add on that.

Shaun Padayachee:

Yeah, I think you captured everything perfectly. The one thing I do want to add is as you mentioned, you could have a contract from one year to three years but, what I’ve seen if you decide to go for year two and year three, then, there’s opportunities for additional discounts from a pricing perspective.

It depends on the customer, what they prefer, just a one year or a multi-year agreement. But going with a multi-year obviously gives you opportunity to get, additional discounts.

Kristen Shumann:

Awesome. And Sean, you just touched on one of our other questions, which was simply asking how long do these managed service contracts with the approved solution providers usually last?

So is it fair to say one to three years is the typical timeframe that we’re looking at for those?

Shaun Padayachee:

Yeah, I think there’s two aspects to it. And I think surely you can speak to the ISP contract and then, you’ve got the managed service contract. Our contract will last, as long as you want it to last.

And then you’ve got, the IASP contract with IBM. That’s a separate conversation, but surely you want to probably want to touch on that. How long does the IASP contract last with a customer?

Shirley Hinkle:

Sure, thank you. The contract last with the customer as long as you want to be in the program.

We can continue it, as long as you stay engaged with 1 of the 1 of the providers with Anglepoint doing the work for you. Again. A big benefit of it is that IBM waives their verification rights, which means that we set aside on any right to come and audit you while you’re in this program.

So once you get started in the program, you’re working with your partner, you get your reporting down, you’re reporting on a regular basis. Staying in the program, continuing the contract, which can be extended year after year as you’re in the program by working with IBM reaches you many benefits that we’ve already discussed today on the call.

Kristen Shumann:

I’ve got another question for you, Shirley talking a little bit more about audits. If the customer has already received an audit letter, can they join the IASP program and cancel the audit?

Shirley Hinkle:

Each 1, Chris, and each 1 is unique and we’re certainly willing to look at each individual review that’s been started and work with you to understand what cycle you’re in the review.

Do you have tools installed? What kind of potential environment do you have? What might the outcome of the review be at a very high level? Long and short is each one can be discussed. The majority of them have been moved that have been requested, not only in the public sector, but in other sectors as well.

We have been able to move the customers over to the ISP program and stop the review and give the customer additional time to work with their partner angle point in this case, to get the tools installed to do some optimization in their environment and to be able to produce the report and discuss the report findings openly with IBM angle point.

And the customer and see what the resolution to the report would need to be in the very end. So that was a long answer, but yes, it can each 1 is individual, but we’ll take a look at each 1 that comes forward.

Kristen Shumann:

Awesome. I’m sure that’s good news for. A lot of people who are looking at this with an audit letter in hand.

Now I want to turn to Philippe and maybe Perry as well and his experience with the state of Minnesota. If one department has an IBM contract that includes multiple departments IBM licenses. How does that work.

Philippe de Raet:

Yeah, thanks Kristen I’ll let Perry jump in, since we haven’t. In first dealing with Perry.

This was one of the challenges, right? And I think this was one of the reasons he wanted to get his arms around it. So with that very,

Perry Egertson:

Yeah, for sure. We managed the contract and we gather information around the entitlements. From each of the individual agencies and say how much are you looking to buy what products you want and then basically present that information in a consolidated way to IBM and then I believe they just handled the deployments at each individual agency.

So it’s a contractual administration situation.

Philippe de Raet:

And those discussions took place. Was there anything you had to work out with IBM directly Perry or any obstacles? What was the process?

Perry Egertson:

In establishing that enterprise agreement. Yeah, it certainly was a conversation. I think it’s something that an organization of our size does pretty regularly with various publishers.

And I don’t know where the history of that came in of when we started doing that. But I got involved at the renewal point for the first time. So how it was, broached, I guess I’m not totally certain. I think it’s an offering that IBM has. Maybe I’d defer to Shirley on that. As to when they do and don’t consider enterprise agreements.

But yep, definitely involved with IBM in getting that established. Definitely a conversation with IBM and our partner agencies, but something that was pursued cooperatively. It was not very difficult, aside from a sort of looking at the size of the thing.

Philippe de Raet:

Yeah, I guess that’s what I felt. Also, it didn’t seem to be an artist process.

We’ve all collaborated pretty well. And I wanted to make sure that you felt the same. Surely anything you want to add on that.

Shirley Hinkle:

No, I think I’m just a couple of points. If you have these things going into the program. Being able to look at individual site numbers or individual locations can be either under an enterprise agreement or if you do not have one with IBM currently, one could be created for you or we have several other types of contract mechanisms that we can use to make sure that everything that you want included is included in the program and that you can use your licenses across.

Your enterprise or a portion of your enterprise. I think 1 of the key things to remember is like Perry, if you have multiple entities in the, in your organization, and for instance, if you have 15 and only 10 want to join the program, the 5 that are outside of the program are still under the standard verification rights.

And then it would be a long discussion with IBM whether you could use your licenses to cover those. So those are some of the things I think when you’re looking at the program that you want to take into consideration is how wide or how broad do you want to make the program to satisfy your entire organization of Philippine.

Philippe de Raet:

Yeah, and how you might be left exposed, should those three or four or five. Decide to opt out. Correct. Correct. Thank you for that. Kristen.

Kristen Shumann:

Great. Yeah, we’ll move on to our next question. We’ve just got a couple more left. So this 1 is also for Shirley. How long do the clients have to create the reports?

And how often do they have to send reports to IBM? I think you touched on this beforehand, but maybe just give us a quick recap.

Shirley Hinkle:

Okay. Thank you, Kristen. How long do you have to create the report? That’s flexible as well. The standard typical timeframe is 6 months from the time that you sign up with your partner.

We expect you to give us a baseline at that time. Some organizations, it can also depend on how large your organization is, how complex it is, whether you do consolidated purchasing or like Paris where for each energy purchases. Licenses, we can be flexible with you and extend that timeframe out to a reasonable period of time.

So that’s another point that we would talk about during the contract negotiation with IBM to join the program. The 2nd, part of that, I think you asked me about how long they would be in the program or how long does it take to give the report? How frequently you have to report is another thing.

Typical reporting is on a quarterly basis. Again, depending on the size of your organization, we can certainly work with you. We do ask for. The typical ask is for the sub capacity reports that are generated by tools that you’re using in your environment would be on a quarterly basis. Some organizations have it every six months, and then we do ask for full reports of all of your enterprise once a year.

And that would include anything that’s not captured by your system generated tools. Or if you have a mainframe in your organization, a mainframe report. Once again, there’s not a standard answer Kristen for that. It’s we’re flexible we’re willing to work with you. On what best fits your organization and the resources that you have and the length of contract or the type of contract you have with your IASP provider as well.

Kristen Shumann:

As we mentioned before, don’t hesitate to reach out to Shirley or anyone of us at Anglepoint. If you have additional questions, as it is a pretty personalized offering our last question is. Probably mostly directed to Sean. The participant wants to know, are cloud packs deployed in containers included in the scope?

And if they are, how does that work from a reporting standpoint?

Shaun Padayachee:

Yeah. So if you are using IBM products, cloud packs within a containerized environment you would need an additional tool activated or enabled, which is called ILS, IBM’s licensed service. And that is something that IBM can assist with to enable and help configure that.

Once you get that tool configured we will get a report from that, and then we will consolidate that with your Other report that you can submit to IBM. So yeah, it’s a consolidation of two reports from your tool that you use for your sub capacity, as well as the report that comes out of ILS.

Kristen Shumann:

Okay any last comments on any of those questions from our participants?

Okay if not, we’re going to move into just some next steps. I’ll have Philippe talk a little bit about where you can go from here as you’re considering the IASP program for your public sector agency.

Philippe de Raet:

Yeah, thank you, Kristen. So a lot of good information. A lot of heads. I’m sure still with additional questions they may have.

It’s a very exciting program. And at a minimum give us a call and we can provide you with more information if you have doubts, whether or But, in terms of procurement, what’s the next step? What do I do? How do I, who’s the first person to call? Just call us. Either Shirley here at IBM her contact information is listed in front of you or call me or write me, I should say, contact me.

My information is also on the slide. You can also go to our website at anglepoint. com. There’s a lot of information there. Feel free, as I said, to share this recording but effectively the process is pretty easy. You would contact you would start the process with Shirley or with one of her designated resources.

You would then, and from a procurement standpoint, you could compete among the have it competed among the four certified MSPs. Anglepoint being one of them. And we also have other vehicles that can be used. We use state vehicles through some of our partners. Our products are also on soup and other vehicles listed again on our website.

With that, I want to thank Shirley. Thanks, Sean. And thank Perry. Of course, Kristen. What a great job you’ve done, and I’ll turn it back to Kristen for any final comments, but please write, please call us where we look forward to. To going through next steps with you.

Kristen Shumann:

Thanks so much, Philippe.

This QR code on the screen will take you directly to our website where you can schedule a meeting with Philippe. Or you can also call the Anglepoint phone number that’s listed on there. So we’re more than happy to help and support as, we’re working with tons of public sector clients who are starting to implement the IASP program and realize how much of a benefit it can be for their agency.

So thank you so much for joining us. Philippe said, feel free to share this with others and make sure that, yeah, you reach out and try to figure out the next steps for your organization. So watch for an email with the recording and we’ll see you all soon. Thank you.

Related Resources

IASP and The Public Sector | Anglepoint