Oracle’s VSAM Partner Program Insights: What You Need to Know

Anglepoint is now a Verified Partner in the new Oracle Software Asset Management Program. The Oracle SAM program is a customer-centric initiative that empowers organizations to maximize ROI on their Oracle investments through proactive management of their Oracle license entitlements.
On March 28, 2024, Anglepoint and Oracle held a joint webinar, Introducing Oracle’s Verified SAM Partner Program (VSAM).
Jeremy Sayler, Director of Anglepoint’s Oracle Practice, discussed the new program with Oracle’s Felicia Parilo, Global Director, and Daniel Shinaut, Principal Partner Advisor.
As a Verified SAM (VSAM) Partner, Anglepoint is now recognized by Oracle to provide software license optimization services for Oracle Database, Middleware, and E-business Suite in connection with the Oracle SAM Program.
The Oracle SAM program is a customer-centric initiative that empowers organizations to maximize ROI on their Oracle investments through proactive management of their Oracle license entitlements. Additionally, customers who complete a managed service under the Oracle SAM Program with a VSAM Partner may be eligible for software audit exemptions.
This webinar provides VSAM Partner Program insights.
What is Oracle’s Verified Software Asset Management (VSAM) Program?
The VSAM program is a new software asset management program offered for Oracle Database, Middleware, and E-Business Suite products. Currently, these are the only products in the program. Oracle may add more in the future.
This is an opt-in offering. Clients must be in an Oracle managed service with a Verified SAM partner, which Anglepoint now is.
The program is designed to help Oracle customers build confidence in their purchasing and deployment decisions and determine whether they are aligned with Oracle’s software licensing requirements.
What are the Benefits of the VSAM Program?
There are many benefits to those who participate in the Verified SAM partner program:
- Eligibility for audit exemption
- Clients become eligible for software audit reprieve once the service has been delivered. The duration of the audit reprieve is 12 months. Clients must apply for audit exemption and those applications will be officially approved on a case-by-case basis.
- Annual license baselines
- As part of the program, clients will produce, with Anglepoint, annual or semi-annual license baselines. Anglepoint managed services clients receive additional deliverables as well, such as the Risk & Opportunity Assessment Report (ROAR), to help with strategic planning and optimization.
- Optimize Oracle investments
- Clients in the VSAM program will have opportunities to remediate license deficits to create an optimal license allocation and maximize ROI on their Oracle investments.
- Access to decades of Oracle licensing expertise
- Anglepoint’s Oracle licensing team has extensive experience in Oracle software asset management. On average, each Anglepoint Oracle team member has almost 10 years of Oracle licensing experience, 75% of them have previously worked for Oracle as auditors, and many of them are professionally certified.
VSAM Step-by-Step
Here is a detailed look at each step in the VSAM process:
- Voluntary opt-in
- In this step, clients indicate their desire to be part of the program and identify the products they would like covered (Database, Middleware, E-Business Suite).
- Oracle is notified & end user is validated
- End user confidential information authorizations
- This step comprises of a confidentiality agreement that is signed by Oracle, Anglepoint, and the client.
- Entitlement & usage data collection
- Determine end user license position
- Determine go-forward strategy
- This step evaluates existing software license consumption and opportunities for optimization to remediate potential compliance issues and allocate licenses effectively.
- Strategy implementation
- Verified SAM partner communicates completion
- Audit reprieve request & annual updates
Existing Anglepoint managed service clients will see no change in how Oracle services are delivered under the Oracle VSAM program. Annual or semi-annual baselines will continue as scheduled. The VSAM program simply provides supplemental support on license entitlement collection, effective license allocations and software audit exemptions upon successful completion of an annual baseline.
Working with Anglepoint
The Oracle VSAM program is aligned to Anglepoint’s existing Oracle managed services delivered today.
Existing Anglepoint clients with an Oracle managed service are automatically eligible to apply for enrollment in the program and maintain the required license assessment schedule. New clients must first enroll in a managed service before they can enter the VSAM program.
Many organizations already achieve significant benefits from Anglepoint’s Oracle managed services, including the following:
- Contract discovery
- Deployment discovery
- Entitlement position
- Consumption position
- Effective license position (ELP)
- Risk & opportunity assessment report (ROAR)
- Remediation support
- Consumption tracking
- Contract & renewal tracking
- Contract negotiation and support
- Recurring baseline activities
To become a VSAM partner, Anglepoint went through an extensive qualification process. That process including attending trainings and obtaining various certifications, producing client case studies and references, and demonstrating deep Oracle software licensing expertise.
If you are interested in enrolling in the Oracle Verified SAM Partner program or have further questions, please contact us at or schedule time to meet with one of our experts.
Submit your questions and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Webinar Transcript
Braden Stringer: Welcome everyone to today’s webinar. We’re really excited to have you join us. We’re really excited for this webinar. it’s great to have you here and we really appreciate, especially our presenters and our friends from Oracle who are joining us without further ado, we’re going to go ahead and introduce our Presenters we’re pleased to be joined by Jeremy Sayler who’s the director of our Oracle licensing practice here at Anglepoint. Felicia Parilo, who’s a global director at Oracle and Daniel, who’s a principal partner advisor. Jeremy, do you want to give a quick introduction real quick?
Jeremy Sayler: Yeah, thanks, Braden. Hi, everyone. Jeremy Sayler, as Braden noted, I’m the director of the Oracle Service Delivery Group here at Anglepoint. We’ve got a long history in the ERP software industry, probably about over 20 years now. Mostly focused in software asset management and software licensing. So very happy to be here.
Braden Stringer: Awesome. Thanks, Jeremy. Felicia, you want to introduce yourself real quick?
Felicia Parilo: Hi, everyone. It’s nice to meet everyone virtually. My name is Felicia Parilo. I work within the Oracle Global Licensing and Advisory Service. I’ve been here for 14 years, so similar to Jeremy, have lots of fun experience within the software world as well as the partner community.
I’m really focusing on that advisory. So I have the VSAM program, which we’re going to talk about today. And I’m excited for you all to learn about some opportunities with angle point. And then I also have the third-party tool vendor, which is a different option for customers to understand their measurement of Oracle and go through that route.
So lots of partnerships and partner programs today. So it’s nice to meet you all again.
Braden Stringer: Thanks, Felicia. And Daniel, you want to introduce yourself real quick?
Daniel Shinaut: Absolutely. Hello, everyone. I’m Daniel. Principal partner advisor with Oracle and the BCM program. I’m going into my 9th year. At Oracle, been working predominantly with Oracle partners and the entirety of that time.
So it’s nice to see everyone today.
Braden Stringer: Thanks Daniel. So we’re going to during the presentation, we’re going to go ahead and turn our cameras off, but we will turn those back on for the Q&A, at the end. And yeah, without any further ado, I’m going to go ahead and pass it to Jeremy and we’ll get started.
Jeremy Sayler: All right, thanks again, Braden. Agenda for today, we’re going to start off with a couple of poll questions just to get a feel for who is in the room. And then we’ll get into the bulk of the presentation here. Obviously, the topic of the day is what is the Oracle VSAM program? We’ll walk you through that program step by step, look at this from an angle point standpoint, because this does really fit well into what Anglepoint’s doing as a Sam service provider.
And then the end of the session, we’ll have some time for Q&A as Braden noted, please put your questions into that Q&A, you can do that as we go through this agenda and through these slides. And then at the end of the presentation, we’ll get into that Q&A. All right, let’s go with our first poll question.
So how confident are you in your organization’s Oracle license management capabilities? Here we go. So we’ve got a pretty high number of very confident, somewhat confident and then neutral. Very little in the not confident or don’t know. That’s fantastic. So we’ve got a very educated group here.
All right. Great. Great. Let’s move on to that second question. This is one that I’m also very interested in. How would you describe your relationship with Oracle? All right. Interesting. So we’ve got a lot of neutral. We don’t have anybody in excellent or contentious. So a rather moderate relationship with Oracle, which is good to hear.
All right, perfect. Let’s move into our next slide. And before we turn it over to Felicia to talk about VSAM I just wanted to identify that this program, it’s been a long time coming. We’ve been talking about this with Oracle for a number of years. Felicia has been working on this diligently.
And Anglepoint’s recognition in this program is really the culmination of significant amount of effort we’ve gone through rigorous training testing from Oracle to be recognized as one of their SAM partners. I am very excited about this program. We’re really looking forward to offering this to our clients.
But one note on logistics here. The VSAM program, as you’re going to hear it from Felicia, this is a global program perhaps with the exception of Latin America. Anglepoint is currently recognized to provide this service in North America. We will be adding Europe very shortly, but there’s various hoops and things to jump through to be recognized as a SAM provider in these different regions.
So currently we’re recognized in North America. Very soon we’ll be offering this in Europe. And without further ado, why don’t we turn it over to Felicia and let’s talk about the VSAM program.
Felicia Parilo: Sure. Yeah. Thank you, Jeremy. And thanks for inviting not only myself, but Daniel on for this partnership.
We equally are excited that Ankle Point is now officially a VSAM partner. So if you hear me say that it’s a verified software asset management partner and being able to expand on the partnership and really have that collaboration for what we can do more. For of course, you all as customers of Oracle and of course, clients of angle point.
So if I get with just a little quick overview of the program last June is when we officially announced and launched this program for the VSAM program. It really as Jeremy mentioned, we’ve been working on it for the last couple of years, but it finally went into execution style, which is amazing.
Because really, the driver for that is Oracle’s transition to being customer centric, right? This flows down to the partner network and really OPN and other services that now partners have been offering to Oracle’s customers for year over year. And so this program is here to provide an opportunity really for customers to work with a verified SAM partner like Anglepoint to understand their overall Oracle investments.
So the VSAM partner you’re here today, Anglepoint will be working directly with you as a client on various advisory services to help you understand your Oracle investments and in truth, it helps understand working with Oracle better, right? So some helping the redefining the SAM conversations while building that relationship is key for this program.
And as you hear Jeremy go over more of the logistics of the process this program encompasses all different existing SAM services. Anglepoint has been in this space for a very long time. Treat this program like we’ve created an umbrella or a container around it to be able to provide all of those services.
So everything from consolidation to optimization to reviewing what part of your journey to cloud that you’re on taking a look at a existing U. L. A. And being able to decide on if it makes sense To continue to renew that, or move into a perpetual ULA, you name it, whatever the topic is it’s working on those data points with VSAM partner, Anglepoint, as well as you as the customer.
Whatever your strategy is for that optimization. And streamlining it is really the goals for this program, um, within Oracle and the broader marketplace. Of course, we also are maintaining a global consistency angle points going to be in 2 out of the various regions within there.
And expected that’s to grow to based on all of the success that they have as well. A key point that I wanted to bring up is that this program is an opt in for both partners and customers. As Jeremy said that it was an extensive qualifications to get into this program. So they had to do quite some focus on that to meet all the qualifications that we had, and they succeeded and moved forward, which was great.
And then it’s also from you as a customer side that you opt in. You can opt in at any time for this program. And once you opt in, you are going to work with the VSAM partner, Anglepoint, to maintain that trust and that collaboration on all the different types of services.
So like I mentioned, some of them it’s whatever your journey is, right? Your optimization and most of the time it’s multiple options, right? It’s not just one solution. It’s multiple solutions as well to the last piece on this slide is that the VSAM program encompasses expertise for what’s listed on this slide, the database, right?
Middleware, which is fusion middleware and then E-business Suite. However, we all know working in the SAM space and best SAM practices is to be encouraged to have a clear understanding of all of the Oracle programs, right? Not just the ones that are listed and. And received the expertise for these.
So look at it as a full picture of all Oracle investments for you to have more confidence in.
If we move to the next slide, I wanted to focus and highlight on some of the different benefits besides some of the other ones that I mentioned earlier. But because of this opt in approach and being able to opt in at any time, excuse me, the visa and partner can then provide any of those services directly with you as the client or the customer, and you’ll be working together on that optimization to understand their investments.
So once all these services, whatever that service looks like whether it’s the full scope or more limited into maybe a merger and acquisition or something to that effect, then you as a customer can be offered additional services. So it’s continuing to know more and more as your business expands.
And you have some unknowns, right? Maybe you don’t know about an actual Type of option impacts. And now you’re your I.T. Group’s coming to you saying we want to know more about that. Any type of Oracle related knowledge thirst. Then that’s then the angle point as the VSAM partner is your go to point.
After all these are delivered this and completed the services completed, then the Oracle customer, meaning you all as the clients are eligible for the audit reprieve. So conceptually, we have executive management support from Oracle to provide audit reprieve for the appropriate programs for 12 months.
However, as you can imagine, I work for a large company. I do have to seek that official approval for you as a specific customer. So conceptually, it has been supported. We just have to actually get that actual language for you as being part of this program. So as a reminder, it’s conceptually approved, but we do need to seek that official approval.
And so that way we can actually deliver it to you as the customer. With this whole understanding of understanding better confidence and knowing your Oracle investments you’re aligning to. Angle point as a visa and partner for your business strategy. So whether it’s reviewing the data centers, looking at the full deployment, going through a specific data center or looking at a merger, the U.L.A. purchase. If you’re on phase two out of phase 10 of your journey to cloud, are you looking at a hybrid approach? Any of these are examples, and I’m sure that there’s more that we all can think about for each of our businesses. You’re working with Jeremy and his team for those solutions to come across, and they have lots of creativity.
They have lots of optimization and opportunities for your strategy to help have a better understanding of your Oracle footprint. As we mentioned earlier, that oracle road map ankle point has gone through Much more knowledge, sharing from us as the vendor They’ve gone through extensive training and it’s really helping them distinguish themselves in the marketplace for the other Peers up there that are able to do that.
So they’ve always been in license expert. They’re now just Oracle deemed license expert. With that we’ll just call it a stamp of approval for this program. So we equally are excited to share the sentiment of Jeremy earlier to be able to provide lots of these things to you as your customers, as we both have your best interests.
After any of the different services are provided, they are ankle point as some expectations of the program. Do provide you different deliverables. One on here is the annual baseline. There’s other ones as well, too, but think of these as a living point in time for you to understand at that point. And then when the next question comes up, then that is an extension of the same services.
And Jeremy, I’ll turn it over back to you if you had any more or need to go to the next slide.
Jeremy Sayler: Perfect. Thanks. Felicia. Yeah, great. Let’s go next slide here. Let’s look at the overview of the program as Felicia mentioned when we go left or right here. This is an opt in program, so we’ll be speaking to our all of our existing clients.
If you’re not an Anglepoint client today. We can speak with you as well about getting enrolled in our managed service and then discuss this opt in program. Essentially, all it is identifying that you want to be part of this program. Then what programs as Felicia noted, it’s. Today it’s database middleware and e business suite.
So those you could pick one or all three of those programs. It’s completely up to you. It’s an opt in program. What we would do when you identify that you want to be part of this program is fill out a quick enrollment form. And essentially it’s identifying the entity, any of your affiliate subsidiaries that you want to include in the program.
And then those programs that we want included in the VSAM program. Program. I saw a question in the chat. What documentation is required that is one of them, but that’s just simply a form that goes to Oracle. And then this 3rd bullet is really the only document that will need to be signed by all 3 parties.
And that’s a confidentiality agreement. And what this means is that we can share information. So Oracle can share information with angle point. And 1 of those key items is going to be a license inventory, right? If you’ve had trouble in the past, identifying what entitlements you own. We can work with Oracle to collect that information.
Anglepoint will also sign off on this and in at Oracle’s request, provide any kind of consumption or baseline information. However, Oracle has articulated that’s not required, and we’ll get into that in more detail soon. But again, the third bullet here is a confidentiality agreement to make sure that all three of our entities can share information.
If you look at the next several slides or next several bullets this is really the meat of Anglepoint’s managed service. So this is what we’re doing today if you’re an existing client. So we collect that entitlement information, collect your usage data. We work to analyze that and determine a end user license position.
And then we work on remediation if that’s necessary. Is there a, deficit that we need to look at and either remediate, optimize, figure out what the approach would be. And that’s still very much part of this program. The goal of this program is to maintain a compliant state. And so we have the ability to work with you within this process to remediate any of those issues that we see.
As we continue on in this path, the end user would then implement that strategy, whatever our remediation or optimization approach will be. And at the end of that Anglepoint will communicate that strategy back to Oracle. And that’s when they can solicit the audit reprieve. As Felicia noted, she has to go up and get an approval for that.
But that’s the end of the process with that baseline and completed remediation if necessary. What I wanted to highlight here is notice that the red dots Oracle is at the front and at the end of this process, it really has no change or impact on the managed service on the ongoing license consumption analysis that we do for our clients.
Today, this is really just a wrapper around our existing. Managed service for our clients. So again, very excited about this. The obvious benefit here is that audit exemption which I know is of primary interest to probably everyone on this call, uh, Braden, let’s go ahead on to the next slide here.
Let’s look at this from an angle point perspective. What I’m really excited about with this program is how it fits so almost seamlessly into what Anglepoint is doing with our managed service clients today. If you’re an existing client, again, the only change would be enrolling in this program, signing that confidentiality agreement, and then we’re back to our status quo of ongoing managed services, license consumption analysis. Again, if you’re a new client, we just need you to enroll in our managed service. And then we can similarly get you enrolled in the VSAM program. If you look at the right-hand side of the screen here, this shows our managed service kind of life cycle.
That step one through six is really the Steps that go into what we call a baseline or an effective license position. So we’ll go through evaluate contracts deployments, marry those up into a consumption analysis and deliver that final effective license position, which is essentially. Your licensed products and entitlements versus your consumption, where we identify whether there’s a deficit or a surplus.
That 6th step and rolling into the 7th is really where angle point differentiates itself from other providers. And we get into a, what we call a risk and opportunity assessment report. So we’re analyzing those findings and making recommendations. For you as the end user, things that you can do to optimize that, that license of state, uh, then moving from step 8 and up to 11 is more of the maintenance in between those baselines where we’re checking consumption, tracking any changes to renewals assisting with negotiation if that’s required and then moving back into that next baseline.
A couple of important things to remember about this program. Oracle requires an annual baseline to stay in this program. Our managed services are often doing semiannual baselines. We like to do that more than once per year. We think that’s a best practice to keep a good handle on your consumption. But again, Oracle’s requirement for this program is a single annual baseline to stay in that program.
And then again Oracle is saying that consumption reporting is not required. We’ve gone Anglepoint has gone through this extensive training from Oracle. They have trusted us. As a partner in this program, they have validated that we understand Oracle licensing, and they’re putting us in this position to assist the clients without their involvement.
We are really controlling this relationship. There’s really no change to how you deal with us today. We do have the ability to share information with Oracle if requested. We have seen what they are referring to as a baseline template, which if you are one of our existing clients, it looks a lot like our ELP summary.
So a list of products, those license entitlements, and then that consumption number. But again, this is not required, but may be requested.
Felicia Parilo: Yeah, thanks. So really should go to the broader group. The spirit of this program is to focus on helping all of Oracle’s customers know their different data points.
So as Jeremy mentioned, there’s a baseline type exercise. I’ve mentioned various different examples and really the goal is to get to knowing what that data points are between angle point and you as the clients. There is information in the agreement that says that we may request it, but it’s not required on a every single service.
We are also not expecting to request it because the goal and the spirit of this is to build and foster those relationships because you’re choosing and selecting a VSAM partner that already is basically an extension of Oracle. Because they’ve already showed us the process of how they review the data, gather the data, analyze the data and provide solutions.
And so at the end of the day, we have that confidence already built, hence why they go through such extensive qualifications. So that way you can work directly with them instead of directly with us as the Oracle vendor. You can still work with various, I have counterparts that also do these same services.
But it’s all about customer choice for this program and to be able to select or choose Anglepoint or other VSAM partners that will be announced as well, too. So Jeremy, we have a couple questions. I think we’re, I want to make sure that the group is able to see some of them. So some of them have been answered.
But there, there are a couple. So the programs that are listed in the VSAM program is Database, Fusion Middleware and EBS. However, Anglepoint has a wealth of knowledge for all the other programs. As I mentioned, for the best business practices. Angle point can advise and guide on all of those.
They have the expertise for those three. That I mentioned earlier. There’s also a question Jeremy, a couple of questions about other vendors. If you have agreements with other vendors, if you wanted to answer that.
Jeremy Sayler: Yeah, definitely. IBM has their IASP program. So Anglepoint is a participant with that.
And I’m aware that there are some other vendors that are talking about this. I think they’re seeing IBM Oracle moving down this path and they’re thinking, wow we’re missing the boat. There’s no others other than IBM today and Oracle, but that is something that we expect down the road that some of these other major software vendors are going to be participating as well.
And Felicia, I know we’ve got a couple, a bunch of questions. I did just want to hit on our last slide before we did the Q& A. So sorry about that. Really quickly for anyone who’s not familiar with Anglepoint, we’ve got a wealth of experience, both in Oracle and other software publishers.
We are in that Gartner Magic Quadrant, the leader in that Gartner Magic Quadrant over the last four years, very proud of that. Just a couple of things about my Oracle team, which I’m very proud of. We’ve got an average of about 10 years of experience for each of my consultants. About three quarters of my team have previously worked at Oracle and therefore also have that audit experience.
So very knowledgeable people. We’ve got a very diverse team. There’s about over 60 percent that speak a language other than English and that we also have multi publisher experience. Again, over 60 percent of that. We have a spectacular relationship with the organization. Almost 40 percent of my team has certifications through that group.
And then the president and chairman of angle point Ron Brill is 1 of our thought leaders very involved in the ISO area and really benefit from having his experiences as part of our group. With that, I know there’s lots of questions. Braden, I also want to highlight some of them are coming into the chat and not just the Q&A.
So let’s jump to our final slide here and get into those Q&A’s.
Braden Stringer: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, thank you. Thanks everyone. Seriously for attending. Thank you for all the questions we had a bunch come in. I’m going to try and consolidate them into kind of similar topics, try and hit everything that everyone’s asked.
But if you want to, and we would highly encourage you to connect with Jeremy, Felicia and Daniel on LinkedIn, you can reach out to us. Also, info at point dot com or on our website. So we answered a few around the products. They’re. Let’s go ahead and go with I think you talked to this a little bit, Jeremy, but how does this differ from the managed services, the Oracle managed services that Anglepoint’s already offering?
Jeremy Sayler: Yeah. So that’s a great question. And the answer is it doesn’t, right? We keep doing everything that we do within managed service today. The just again, Oracle is now offering this wrapper. The VSAM program wraps around that managed service and gives you that added benefit that, hey, you’ve been managed by a recognized VSAM partner.
And you can get that audit exemption by completing that annual audit baseline. So again, no change. If you’re an existing client, you will not notice a change other than signing a confidentiality agreement. And I think that’s one of the other questions that I saw in the chat. You just need a statement of work with Anglepoint.
So as long as you’ve got a managed service with us for the Oracle products the only other document that you will see is this confidentiality agreement that allows the three companies, Oracle, Anglepoint and you to share information.
Braden Stringer: Excellent. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, thank you for answering that. We’ve had a handful of questions about the audit exemption.
So maybe we could just get a little bit more around the logistics of that. Specifically, people are asking, what’s the duration of that eligibility criteria, et cetera. Felicia, do you want to take that one? Sure.
Felicia Parilo: Yeah. Once the audit we’ll go. And then you can go backwards and then forward.
So the auto reprieve is good for 12 months. Of course, if you still have an agreement or sorry statement of work and Jeremy’s words with angle point, then you and you’re working on services again. That’s the following year. You can go and have that. So it’s every 12 months around 11 months.
We’ll see about getting it re renewed. And the it’s conceptually approved. However, I do need to actually seek the official formal approval, meaning that language to live where it needs to live. And after a service is delivered with angle point as the, then that’s when you can seek the audit reprieve as far as eligibility, you’re in the program.
You’re working with, angle point to know your data, then. There then that’s the eligibility for it. Obviously, as you can imagine, if you get opt into this program and then go dark, which we don’t want to have happen, but if you do not engage with ankle point on any of that knowledge sharing and that data points between you two as the two different partnership, then, of course, we’re not going to, we at Oracle are not going to be able to seek that approval.
But in any other instance, no matter of any of the examples that I just brought up for working with Oracle, meaning the ROI on ULAs, if you’re looking at consolidation, if you’re looking at optimization, you’re looking at any type of your journey to cloud, whether you want To leverage and move park a part of your workload.
Any of those examples of our ways that you can seek that audit reprieve. So you do need to know your full environment. And after that, anything is possible for moving forward. So the eligibility is really working with and committing and building that trust with the visa and partners like angle points.
Braden Stringer: Excellent. Thank you. Thank you so much. Okay. We had a few questions around conflict of interest. And angle point being a partner with Oracle in this program. Now maybe we could address that.
Jeremy Sayler: Yeah, let me start with that. Felicia, you can chime in. In terms of conflict of interest 1st, key point Anglepoint is not a reseller.
We have no interest in selling Oracle licenses. If you need Oracle licenses. You can work directly with Oracle. You can work with your preferred Oracle reseller. So again, we’re not pushing any additional licensing on our clients. Obviously, we’ve got long term relationships with many of the clients, many of the people on this call.
Our primary relationship is with you as the client. The relationship we have with Oracle is that we have been recognized as a VSAM partner, which means we understand how Oracle licenses their products and we can articulate that to our clients. So again, from my perspective, and I really want to stress this, our clients come first.
This is not an audit program. We are not pushing licenses on our clients to purchase. And we will be working with you to remediate. That’s one of the beauties of this program is Oracle is saying, if you have an issue, let’s talk about a strategy. Do you want to remediate? Do you want to consolidate servers?
Do you want to reduce that consumption so that you can get compliant? All those things are options within this program. But Felicia, please chime in if I’ve missed anything.
Felicia Parilo: No, all of that is, is fair. So we’re just allowing Anglepoint to, to basically distinguish themselves. Cause we all know in this environment, you can work directly with Oracle.
I have peers SIA and DTC that are doing these same advisory services. I have another group that does more of the compliance piece as well too. And now you’ve all had a chance to work as SAM partners. But now the Anglepoint team is now a verified SAM partner from an Oracle perspective, and so it’s just allowing them to distinguish to have that extra knowledge.
And they also have a direct line of resource to us as a license expert. So my team has different mappings to the partners. To where they can go for if a scenario is super complex, or they need a creative solution, or they need some more data points. There’s some common themes out in the industry that they’re needing some more knowledge on from us as the vendors.
So it’s a true partnership. There’s no conflict of interest. Oracle is not paying any of our partners for any of these services, just like Oracle does not pay any of our customers to opt in. The agreement needs to be between the partners and their business strategy for how it’s offered in the marketplace.
But Oracle is looking at an additional extension from these partners so that you as customers can know your Oracle investments and be able to be, have more confidence. Excellent.
Braden Stringer: Thank you. Thank you both. I think we’ve got a couple more questions here if we will. 1 is around the products that that the program covers.
I guess the question is there a specific reason for selecting the products that have been selected? And then also, is there any potential to add products in the future?
Felicia Parilo: Yeah. So as you can imagine, we have close to 700 products, so I would love to say that I have expertise for all of them.
However, I have to go through some internal channels, and I’m seeking, trying to seek a few additional ones that are more common in the marketplace. So if you have any questions related to any Oracle products, Jeremy and his broader team are still your main point of contact, just like they would be for any of the other pieces.
My encouragement to all the VSAM partners that are getting into this program, as well as the customers who are choosing to opt in, to know your Oracle investments is just best SAM practices. So I don’t have all of the expertise officially as a stamp and a badge for you at this time. But just know that they have a wealth of knowledge behind them And that they can help answer a lot of other questions besides just the three products discussed today.
Braden Stringer: So great. Thank you. Let’s see here. Okay. There’s one question a question around, the reporting and just maybe we could Well, how often is the report? Maybe we could just expand a little bit more on those reporting requirements. Specifically, this question asks about how often, but if you have any more details, that would be awesome to share.
Felicia Parilo: So I’ll speak to the Oracle side. So Oracle does not require reporting directly to Oracle. We are different than some of our vendor other vendors that are out in the marketplace. So we are giving the knowledge to the partner and Anglepoint as a VSAM partner will have different reporting requirements because they have deliverables.
And items that are done after service, but there’s no reporting that is required from Oracle on a consistent basis. As I mentioned earlier, we have a section in the agreement that Anglepoint has signed that says if requested, Oracle can request that data point. That’s why we have you sign the agreement in the beginning, but there’s the expectation and the spirit of this agreement is we are not requesting it.
We do not Yeah. We do not want that expectation. We are fostering the relationship between you as a client or customer of Oracle’s and the VSAM partner in angle point in this case.
Jeremy Sayler: And then to add onto that again, this flows very nicely with our managed service. All of our managed services are at least once per year, in some cases twice per year.
So that would be the cadence that we would do those baselines. Again, if you’re an existing client, no change to how we’re operating today. You just get those added benefits as described here in the vs. A program.
Braden Stringer: Fantastic. Fantastic. Thank you. We’ll take 1 more question. I know we’re running over time.
Appreciate everyone who has stayed on for this. Last question is we mentioned that currently this is only offered in North America recognized in North America for angle point. And like Jeremy said Europe is coming soon. That will happen soon. But is that based on where the company headquarters is located or the Oracle entity location that, that they have agreements with?
Jeremy Sayler: That’s a good question. Felicia, do you want to start with that one?
Felicia Parilo: Sorry. I apologize. I was trying to read something else in the chat. So I’m not normally like this. I totally missed it because I was so focused. I thought it was going to you, Jeremy.
Jeremy Sayler: So that’s okay. I can start with this one. So it’s based on right now we’re qualified in North America.
We’re going to be adding Europe. How do we look at this from global company perspectives, right? They might have an HQ here in North America, but companies all across the world. Does that impact? How we would look at them from, can we provide a service to a company that’s each HQ is here in the US, but they’ve got, let’s say, several entities in Europe.
Is there any issue with that?
Felicia Parilo: Oh, yeah. So every because we use the as this expertise, basically to ensure global consistency. They, it gets mapped to how Oracle defines an OPN regional market. For example, there’s North America, which includes Canada and US. There’s also Western Europe, which includes about 10 to 12 different countries.
I would answer it depends on how the company is set up to be able to see which ones they can meet. So every different OPN region needs to meet all of those criteria that Jeremy’s team did for North America. He’s now going through that same exercise to meet for the Western Europe region as well, too.
And so then there’s more of the cross collaboration between the different groups and you can have a larger team for it. But the short version is if there’s lots of different entities that want to work in one, one OPN region, you can definitely do that. You just have to meet the minimum thresholds for some of that larger.
Environment, and it really just depends. We see some companies operate completely siloed and separate in each one. And other times it’s more of that global coverage, which I think is leaning to for more of the ankle point side. Excellent.
Braden Stringer: Excellent. Okay. Thank you. Thank you all so much for your participation for your questions.
If you answer, or if you ask the question, we will be following up with you via email to make sure that you got the answers. And again, feel free to connect with Jeremy, Felicia, and Daniel, or reach out to us. Before we wrap this up, though, Jeremy, Felicia, Daniel, do you have any final thoughts that you’d like to add?
Jeremy Sayler: I’ll start. I think again, there’s probably maybe some skepticism around the room with Oracle and their intentions here. Everything that I’ve seen in working with Felicia and her team this is a collaborative SAM effort. Oracle is moving away from this audit mentality. This SAM program is really focused on proactive software asset management, which is what Anglepoint has been doing for 15 years.
So we’re very excited about it. I understand there could be some concerns, perhaps, but again, if you remember some of the slides we showed, the relationship with Anglepoint is really unchanged. We keep going through that managed service. There’s no reporting requirement to Oracle, and you can get a benefit at the end, of course, with that audit exception.
Felicia, Daniel, go ahead.
Felicia Parilo: Yeah, I just wanted to say we’re equally excited because the goal of this program is to focus on long term existing SAM partners that are in that true partnership fashion and really an extension of Oracle. So I see a lot of growth potential and opportunities while working with Jeremy and the broader team.
And we’re really excited to have lots of these SAM partners so that way more of you customers feel more confident and confident. About working with Oracle instead of Oracle directly as well, too. We have lots of different options and opportunities for you all for your optimization. As many op words I can put right there, but really, please know that if you have any questions, reach out to me directly, and I’m more than happy to broker that conversation as I just want the data and the truth to be out there and you all decide on what you would like to do moving forward.
Braden Stringer: Excellent. Thank you. Thanks again Jeremy, Felicia, Daniel. Thanks to everyone who attended. And again, we’ll be sharing this recording next week. We appreciate you being here and hope that you have a great rest of your day.
Jeremy Sayler: Thank you everyone. Thank you.