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Anglepoint Value Award Winners- Q2 2020

We want to recognize the team members that have gone above and beyond to take care of our clients and the team members around them. Below are the reasons why each winner was nominated.

Aubrey Wheelwright – Love What We Do

– Aubrey was nominated for going above and beyond. Each time Aubrey is asked to complete a task, she goes above and beyond by providing additional feedback/next steps/a summary of what was completed, still pending, etc. A quote by Phil Knight perfectly sums up what it’s like to work with Aubrey: “Don’t tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and let them surprise you with the results.”

Jacob Cherian – Selflessness

– Jacob was asked to take over a large client account while a coworker was on maternity leave. Jacob had only been brought into the project a couple of months previously and spent extra time to understand and deliver with excellence.The client asked that a lot of work be done in Q2, this made for a lot of work for Jacob in a short amount of time. Additionally, Jacob had to deliver some news that the client wasn’t expecting. Because of this, the client had many questions. Jacob spent many hours and went through old reports to find answers. He worked many late hours in order to answer all of their questions in a timely manner. In addition, while on calls with the client, he was always professional and patint while trying to answer all of the their questions.

Jon Loosle – Keep Commitments

– Since joining Anglepoint, Jon has been such a valuable asset to the company. Jon is very helpful and responsive, treating every Anglepoint employee like his “customer.” Jon’s importance to the organization may be easy to overlook because of his role in IT, but it is so important and makes such a great impact on the experience of everyone who works here. When we run into a problem with our laptops or applications, when we have a new hire joining, etc. we can always count on Jon to help and get things done quickly. He follows through with his commitments, is reliable and extremely helpful to everyone.

– Jon is probably the unsung hero of the COVID pandemic. Jon put incredible effort into IT preparation and maintenance since even before we closed office, and on an ongoing basis. Jon has been a calm and steady presence during the transition to the 100% work-from-home paradigm, facilitating the secure continuation of everyone else’s work flow. His responsible attention to detail, professional knowledge, and rapid response to so many small fires has kept our ship afloat this year.

Ryan Krueger – Client Success is Paramount

– Ryan has been critical to Anglepoint delivering value to one of its largest clients. During the last quarter, Ryan lead the delivery of a Microsoft renewal/true up with the client as they navigated a tricky spot with a struggling economy and other internal corporate land mines that he expertly navigated. The client constantly looks to Ryan for guidance and leadership and through his creative problem solving and positive attitude the client comes back again and again to Anglepoint for solutions. Ryan has been key in helping this client reach its ITAM goals over the last few years. He always has the client’s needs come first and he strives to help them reach their potential.